Mavlānā Hakīm Zolālī Xvānsārī (d. 1024 H [1615 CE]): Soltān Mahmūd Ğaznavī va Ayāz (Masnavī)





Mavlānā Hakīm Zolālī Xvānsārī (d. 1024 H [1615 CE]): Soltān Mahmūd Ğaznavī va Ayāz (Masnavī)

Persian lithographic print of an epic from 1320 H [1902 CE]. Nicely illustrated.

Cod. Pers. AC 46

Zolālī composed seven epic poems called "Sab'a-ye sayyāreh" (The seven planets) written in different metres imitating both Nezāmī and Rūmī.

The best known and by far the longest of these epic poems is "Soltān Mahmūd va Ayāz" about the legendary love of Soltān Mahmūd of Ğazneh for his slave boy Ayāz, a theme also used by Sa'dī in his "Golestān"