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Kontorchef Withs samling af scrapbøger
Kvinders Valgret
Dansk Design
Dansk Vestindien
Første Verdenskrig 1914-1918, Genforeningen 1920-
David Simonsens Håndskrifter
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Judaistisk Samling: Tidlige & sjældne tryk
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H. Grönberg & J. P. Birch's Catalogue of the remainder of their Cargo...
Grand Performance At The Crown Hotel : Mr. Weiss
Fortunes Frolick, or, the Ploughman turned Lord
Euterpean Theatre
By-laws for The Government of The Synagogue established in The Island of St. Thomas an...
Hans Kongelige Majestæts...Bestalter...Jeg Peter Carl Frederik v. Scholten Giör vitter...
Kontorchef Withs samling af scrapbøger : 1857-1869
An Address from a large number of Catholics in Christiansted to the Parish Priest acco...
Ordinance for the Regulation of Country-Schools in the Island of St. Croix
Pocket almanac for 1863, containing the 12 calendar months with the phases of the moon...
Scripture Texts to illustrate Luthers Catechism
Notice. Rules and regulations
Terms on which agricultural labourers from Barbados or other Westindia Islands will be...
[Circulaire vedrørende nye Bestemmelser til Bedste for Landarbeiderne paa Öen]
Goverment Order
Rules and Regulations of The Agricultural Society of St. Croix and the Duties of its M...
Terms on which agricultural laborers from British or Dutch Westindia Islands will be e...
The two faces of society
Kontorchef Withs samling af scrapbøger : 1870-1872
Oration delivered by Rev. E.N. Martinez at the funeral of Mrs. Judith B. Delvalle, St....
Programme : Macbeth
Dansk Kvindesamfunds Medlemmer den 1ste April 1873
Programme : Professor Bertz, the celebrated prestidigitator
Programme : Taming a Tiger
Programme: The petit Comedy Silent Woman
Meg's Diversion
Kontorchef Withs samling af scrapbøger : 1873-1874
To the Members of St. John's and St. Paul's Churches, St. Croix
Love for dansk Kvindesamfund vedtagne 10/6 1873 ændrede 20/4 1874
St.. Croix, Easter, 1874. To the members of St. John and St. Paul's Churches
Estate Grange
Provided the contemplated Company for the ...
To the Planters of St. Croix
Kontorchef Withs samling af scrapbøger : 1875-1876
Kontorchef Withs samling af scrapbøger : 1875
Laws of The St. Croix Club
Eighth sunday after trinity
St. Croix Sugar-Central-Factories Company : Prospectus
Love for den fri kvindelige Forening
Kontorchef Withs samling af scrapbøger : 1877
Kontorchef Withs samling af scrapbøger : 1878-1880
Kontorchef Withs samling af scrapbøger : 1881
Kontorchef Withs samling af scrapbøger : 1882-1883
Da Præsidentskabet har bragt i Erfaring, at det ikke sjeldent hænder, at Individer af ...
Extract of Conditions for the sale of Parcels of Land
Kontorchef Withs samling af scrapbøger : 1884-1885
Regulations for the Teachers of the Public Schools in St. Croix
Reglement og Instrux for Jordemødre, særlig Distrikts jordemødre, paa St. Croix : Rule...
Forelöbig Reglement af 16de Juli 1884 for Inddeling af St. Croix i Jordemoder District...
Address delivered by Rev. E.V. Lose on the 25th july 1884
Reglementariske Bestemmelser angaaende Sundhedsvæsenet i Byerne Christiansted og Frede...
Government Circular
Anordning om Jordemodervæsenet paa St. Croix : Ordinance concerning the Midwife Depart...
Report on the Condition of the Schools and of Instruction in St. Croix in the Year 1884
Christian Henrik Arendrup ... Makes known: On the most submissive representation of th...
Instrux for de 2 offentlige Læger paa St. Croix
Kontorchef Withs samling af scrapbøger : 1886-1887
Report on the Condition of the Schools and of Instruction in St. Croix in the Year 1885
Circulaire til præsterne ved de paa De Dansk-Vestindiske Ôer anerkjendte trossamfund ...
Report on the Condition of the Schools and of Instruction in St. Croix in the Year 1886
Anordning om Anmeldelser af Födsler paa Öen St. Croix : Ordinance concerning reports o...
Report on the Condition of the Schools and of Instruction in St. Croix in the Year 1887
Rules concerning the Income and Expenses of the Danish Lutheran Churches in St. Croix
Kontorchef Withs samling af scrapbøger : 1888-1889
Instrux for de offentlige Læger paa St. Croix
Report on the Condition of the Schools and of Instruction in St. Croix in the Year 1888
Instruction for Karantænekommissionen og Karantænetilsynet paa St. Thomas
Things to be remembered by church attendants
Kontorchef Withs samling af scrapbøger : 1890
Et Fremtidsspørgsmaal : Indlæg i Kvindesagen, fabrikeret af Peter Minus Kvindehader
Love for Kvindesamfundet for Odense og Omegn : Vedtagne paa Fællesmødet 24. Juni 1890
Report on the Condition of the Schools and of Instruction in St. Croix in the Year 1889
Report on the Condition of the Schools in St. Croix in the Year 1890
Kontorchef Withs samling af scrapbøger : 1891
Instrux for Quarantainevagtmandskabet
Beduinen : officielt Organ for Beduiner-Lejren i Danmark
Report on the Condition of the Schools in St. Croix in the Year 1891
Kontorchef Withs samling af scrapbøger : 1892
Statistics concerning Sugar Production in St. Croix from 1862-1889
Anordning om Foranstaltninger mod Snive-Sygdommen paa St. Croix : Ordinance concerning...
Regler for Forpleining og Lægebehandling m. m. paa St. Thomæ Karantæneanstalt med tilh...
Report on the Condition of the Schools in St. Croix in the Year 1892
Kontorchef Withs samling af scrapbøger : 1893
Forelöbig Anordning om Foranstaltninger mod Snive-Sygdommen paa St. Croix : Provisiona...
Kontorchef Withs samling af scrapbøger : 1894
Report on the Condition of the Schools in St. Croix in the Year 1893
Report on the Condition of the Schools in St. Croix in the Year 1894
Kontorchef Withs samling af scrapbøger : 1895
Report of church work in the Parish of Saint John in The Island of St. Croix for the y...
Kontorchef Withs samling af scrapbøger : 1896
Report on the Condition of the Schools in St. Croix in the Year 1895
Report on the Condition of the Schools in St. Croix in the Year 1896
Brødrene Hagenbecks Singhaleser-Dværg-Karavane og ægte indiske Fakirer
Undertegnede af Colonialraadet i Mödet den 22de f. M. nedsatte Udvalg til at afgive Be...
Love for Viborg kvindelige Fremskridtsforening : Stiftet den 1. August 1897
Kontorchef Withs samling af scrapbøger : 1897
Amazoner fra Dahomey : Kong Behanzins Livgarde : Bragt til Europa af Mr. Hood
Anordning om en forandret Affattelse af § 1 i Anordning af 9de September 1887 om Anmel...
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