Provisional description (Sept. 2012), Ta'liq script, and Vestergaard & Mehren: Codices Orientales Bibliothecæ Regiæ Havniensis ... Vol. III: Codices Persici, Turcici, Hindustanici variique alii; enumerati et descripti ab A. F. Mehren, Copenhagen 1857, p. 11.
Nakhshabi, Ziya'-al-Din (d. 1350 CE) ar|Šaizarī, 'abd ar-Raḥmān ibn Naṣr ibn 'Abd Allāh aš- (12th CE)
Three texts (incomplete), 'Pleasures of women', 'Secet of sexual life' and an anonymous text on aphrodisia, Sexual hygienne Sex life, Ta'līq, and Codices Orientales Bibliothecæ Regiæ Hafniensis, pars tertia: Codices persicos, turcicos, hindustanious. Hafniæ 1857, pp. 15-16