Books 14-15 [fols. 202b-214b] have been ascribed to Hypsicles [Ibsiqlā[wu]s], Books 3-15 of Euclid's Elements, ar, Naskhi og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, vol. 5,1 [pp. 281-285]
ال>>قاسم بن علي الحريري>> Al-Qāsim ibn 'Alī al-Ḥarīrī
Rhymed prose tale, Nashi script, Title and other details in Kufi script og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, vol. 5,3 [pp. 1416-1421]
Content: vols. 93-340 (chapter 5.26 to end)., Text in Avesta., Purchased by Rasmus Rask in Bombay in 1820, "The Law repudiating the Demons" written in Avesta og Codices Orientales Bibliothecæ Regiæ Hafniensis, pars prior: Codices indicos continens. Hafniæ 1846, p. 111
Nepal 72, Orientalsk - Judaistisk afdeling, Det kongelige Biblotek., Sanskrit grammar, Kuṭila (Rañjanā) og Catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts : Early acquisitions and the Nepal collection / Hartmut Buescher. NIAS Press - Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Copenhagen 2011 pp. 99-100
"The Law repudiating the Demons" written in Avesta in red ink with Pahlavi comments and farsi translation in black ink., Only chapter 1 and part of chapter 2., Purchased by Rasmus Rask in Bombay in 1820., Law code to avoid actions of demons og Codices Orientales Bibliothecæ Regiæ Hafniensis, pars prior: Codices indicos continens. Hafniæ 1846, p. 111
"The Law repudiating the Demons" written in Avesta with Pahlavi translation and some words in farsi., Only chapter 1 and part of chapter 2., Purchased by Rasmus Rask in Bombay in 1820, Law code to avoid the actions of demons og Codices Orientales Bibliothecæ Regiæ Hafniensis, pars prior: Codices indicos continens. Hafniæ 1846, p. 111
The shelf marks Cod. Iran. 15 and K15 are used alternatly., Folio "211" is missing in the foliation. Empty flyleafs are excluded from the digital facsimile., Please note that parts of the codex are bound, foliated and hence digitised upside down. Use the buttons of the viewer to turn them as desired., Fragment from the Yasna with Neryosangh's Sanskrit translation; 39 fols. Afringan Dahman with Sanskrit translation (incomplete); 8 fols. Patit Peshmano and Khurshed, Mah, Atash Nyaishes with Sanskrit translation; 45 fols. Namaskaras and Nirangs, Avesta fragments among them; 85 fols. Tir and Mihir Yashts; 93 fols. og Westergaard, N. L. & Mehren, Codices Orientales Bibliothecæ Regiæ Havniensis ... ; Pars 1: Codices indicos, p. 113
According to N. L. Westergaard (1815-1878), the manuscript (incomplete) was copied in 1572., Purchased in Kirmān (Kermān), Iran by N. L. Westergaard in 1843., Letter on "Dadistani divi" from Edward William West (1824-1905) dated to June 4th 1878 is attached in the beginning of the book., Religious texts, Pahlavi og with high-lights in green and red
First date mentioned is 14 Ṣafar 1057 H [21.3.1647 CE], the last year is 1099 H [1688 CE], Astronomical and other calendar information, Naskhi og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, vol. 5,3 [pp. 332-336]
Prayers for the Prophet., Illuminations of Makkah and Medhīnah in Western Sudanese style., Devotional text, Maġribī, Important words in red, yellow and blue og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, vol. 5,3 [pp. 147-152]
Illuminations on 75 pages: stars pictured by drawings in colour., Brought by Frederik Christian von Haven in Cairo ca. 1762., Book on astronomy, Nashi script, Chapter headings in red og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, vol. 5,3 [pp. 290-294]
سراج الدين ابو حفص عمر ابن الوردي Sirāǧ al-Dīn Abū Ḥafṣ 'Umar ibn al-Wardī
Bought in Cairo 1761/62 by the Danish philologist Frederik Christian von Haven (d. 1763), a member of the Carsten Niebuhr expedition 1761-1767., Geography and natural history, Nash̬ī script og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, vol. 5,3 [pp. 345-349]
Nakhshabi, Ziya'-al-Din (d. 1350 CE) ar|Šaizarī, 'abd ar-Raḥmān ibn Naṣr ibn 'Abd Allāh aš- (12th CE)
Three texts (incomplete), 'Pleasures of women', 'Secet of sexual life' and an anonymous text on aphrodisia, Sexual hygienne Sex life, Ta'līq og Codices Orientales Bibliothecæ Regiæ Hafniensis, pars tertia: Codices persicos, turcicos, hindustanious. Hafniæ 1857, pp. 15-16
Text in Pahlavi with translation in Gujarati., Purchased by Rasmus Rask in Bombay in 1820., Liturgy, Pahlavi and Gujarati, Gujarati in between Pahlavi and upside-down og Codices Indici bibliothecæ regiæ Havniensis I (1846), pp. 114
Table of the Coptic months and a table of the rising and setting stars in the year 1090 H [1679/80 CE]., Brought by either Carsten Niebuhr or Peter Forsskål ca. 1762, Various astronomical tables, Nashi script, Black, red and green ink og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, vol. 5,3 [pp. 323-326]
The text include the whole Baj (fols. 1-170) and Barsam (Patet pashemani) (fols. 171-175)., Part of Izeshne-rafitwan., Text in Avestan, commentary in Sanskrit., Purchased by Rasmus Rask in Bombay in 1820., Book of Common Prayer, Avestan and Sanskrit, Sanskrit in between Avestan upside-down og Codices Indici bibliothecæ regiæ Havniensis I (1846), pp. 113
موسى بن محمد الرومى قاضيزاده البرزلى الحنفى Mūsā [ibn Muḥammad al-Rūmī] Qāḍīzādeh al-Birzalī al-Ḥanafī (ca. 840 H [ca. 1436 CE])
The text is a commentary to the astronomical compendium al-Mulah̬h̬as͎ fī 'ilm al-hay'ah written by Maḥmūd ibn Muḥammad ibn 'Umar al-Ǧiġmīni al-H̬wārizmī., Astronomy, Ta'līq, Headings in red and the commented text marked with a read line og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, vol. 5,3 [pp. 295-298]
Provisional description (Sept. 2012), Ta'liq script og Vestergaard & Mehren: Codices Orientales Bibliothecæ Regiæ Havniensis ... Vol. III: Codices Persici, Turcici, Hindustanici variique alii; enumerati et descripti ab A. F. Mehren, Copenhagen 1857, p. 11.
Translation of "Tales of a Parrot" from Farsi to Urdu presumably by Ghawasi (Dekhani version), Moralistic stories (Erotic tales), Ta'līq og Codices Orientales Bibliothecæ Regiæ Hafniensis, pars tertia: Codices persicos, turcicos, hindustanious. Hafniæ 1857, p. 74
Binding shows European influences., Lamaistic prayers and didactic writings og Described in: Hessig, Walther: Catalogue of Mongol books, manuscripts and xylographs [COMDC 3], Copenhagen: The Royal Library 1971, p. 59f.
Purchased by Rasmus Rask in Bombay in 1820., Interpretation in Sanskrit by Niriosängh, Liturgy, Avesta and Sanskrit og high-lights in red. Sanskrit up-side down
Only front cover and pages with content have been digitised. For information about the discussion on the sources of the illustrations, cf. Selected references., Also referred to as Manju 49. Former shelf mark: Mands. 2., Provenance: Peter Arnt Kierulff (1838-1909), Danish merchant in Beijing. Acquired in 1901; donated to the Royal Library in 1906., Anatomical illustrations partly based on Thomas Bartonlin: Anatome quartum renovata (1677 or later), Manchu, Additions in Chinese script og Facsimile edition: Anatomie mandchoue: facsimilé du manuscrit no. II du fonds oriental de la Bibliothèque Royale de Copenhague. Publié sous les auspices de Abr. Clod-Hansen par Victor Madsen; traduction du texte mandchou par Vilhelm Thomsen. Copenhague: Bibliotheque Royale, 1928 [Archival funds related to the facsimile edition: Clod-Hansen, Abraham: Optegnelser vedr. den mansjuiske Anatomi (shelf mark: NKS 1969 folio)] Johnsson, J. W. S.: L'anatomie mandchoue et les figures de Th. Bartholin, étude d'iconographie comparée. [Det kgl. danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Biologiske Meddelelser. VII. 7]. Copenhagen 1928 Fuchs, Walter & Gimm, Martin: "Die Manjurische Sammlung der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Kopenhagen" Gimm, Martin et al. (Hrsg.): Klassische, moderne und bibliographische Studien zu Mandschuforschung [Aetas Manjurica, 2] Wiesbaden 1991, pp. 42-115 Young, Kue-Hing, "French Jesuits and the ’Manchu Anatomy’ - how China missed the Vesalian Revolution". Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMA Journal), Vol. 111, September 21, 1974, pp. 565-568
Daoistisk work from the late Ming Dynasty e.g. 1622. This manuscript has been copied in Korea in the 18th century, possibly from a Chinese printed edition. It includes 11 illustrations in typical line drawing style., Daoist alchemy and sexual hygiene og Kaishu
Four different texts:, 1. Rivayat (fol. 4-183), 2. Nirang-din (Nīrang-farīn) (fol. 184-197), 3. Extract from Vandidad (fol. 198-199a), 4. Pahlavi word list (fol. 199b-245), Purchased by Rasmus Rask in Bombay in 1820., Ceremonial rites, Pahlavi, Pahlavi, notes in Farsi and Sanskrit (upside down) og Codices Indici bibliothecæ regiæ Havniensis I (1846), pp. 115
First part consists of a Pahlavi text by Mainyō-i-Khard with a translation to Sanskrit by Neriosengh., Purchased by Rasmus Rask in Bombay in 1820., Liturgy, Pahlavi and Sanskrit, Pahlavi and Sanskrit in between, Sanskrit upside-down og Codices Indici bibliothecæ regiæ Havniensis I (1846), pp. 114
The accompanying translation is partly in Pahlavi and partly in Farsi., 19 lines to the page., Liturgy og Codices Indici bibliothecæ regiæ Havniensis I (1846), pp. 113-114
Eighteen Luohans and Buddha with Weituo painted on bo-leaves (Sinhala bo) collected in a folded (liporello) book with wooden board (zitan woood)., Opposite each painted leaf is an empty leaf, which indicate the back-side of the painted leaf on the previous page., The Bo-tree is sacred to the Buddhist., All the leaves are placed in af blue setting framed by a light blue brocade., 18 Louhans painted on bo-leaves, Black ink og On yellowish dried bo-leaves
According to Rasmus Rask the copy was made by Dastur Darap from Cod. Iran. 20., Pahlavi text with few notes in Farsi., Journey of Arda Viraf to hell and heaven. Zoroastrian cosnogony and cosmology, Purchased by Rasmus Rask in Bombay in 1820., Story of Hell and Heaven. Creation myth., Pahlavi, Pahlavi with Farsi on margins og Codices Indici bibliothecæ regiæ Havniensis I (1846), pp. 114