Manchu, Mongolian and Chinese version of Daxue og Described in: Hessig, Walther: Catalogue of Mongol books, manuscripts and xylographs [COMDC 3], Copenhagen: The Royal Library 1971, p. 104
Nepal 72, Orientalsk - Judaistisk afdeling, Det kongelige Biblotek., Sanskrit grammar, Kuṭila (Rañjanā) og Catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts : Early acquisitions and the Nepal collection / Hartmut Buescher. NIAS Press - Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Copenhagen 2011 pp. 99-100
End of tale no. 7 and tale no. 8 og Described in: Catalogue of Mongol books, manuscripts and xylographs by Walther Heissig. Copenhagen: The Royal Library 1971, pp. 33-37
End of tale no. 13 og Described in: Catalogue of Mongol books, manuscripts and xylographs by Walther Heissig. Copenhagen: The Royal Library 1971, pp. 33-37
Tale, no. 9, no. 10, no. 11 and the beginning of tale no. 12. og Described in: Catalogue of Mongol books, manuscripts and xylographs by Walther Heissig. Copenhagen: The Royal Library 1971, pp. 33-37
End of tale no. 6 - beginning of tale no. 7 og Described in: Catalogue of Mongol books, manuscripts and xylographs by Walther Heissig. Copenhagen: The Royal Library 1971, pp. 33-37
Continuation of tale no. 7 og Described in: Catalogue of Mongol books, manuscripts and xylographs by Walther Heissig. Copenhagen: The Royal Library 1971, pp. 33-37
End of tale nr. 12 and the beginning of tale no. 13 og Described in: Catalogue of Mongol books, manuscripts and xylographs by Walther Heissig. Copenhagen: The Royal Library 1971, pp. 33-37
Tale no. 14 and tale no. 15 og Described in: Catalogue of Mongol books, manuscripts and xylographs by Walther Heissig. Copenhagen: The Royal Library 1971, pp. 33-37
A treatise dealing with elimination of obstacles (gegs sel), particularly during contemplative practies, Text acquired in Tibet by HRH Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark (1908-1980), Ritual text recovered by the ger ston rGod kyi ldem 'phru can og Catalogue of Tibetan manuscripts and xylographs by Hartmut Buescher and Tarab Tulku. Copenhagen: Curzon – Det Kongelige Bibliotek, 2000. Vol. 2. p. 719
rDzogs-chen tantra elaborating on the identity of pristine cognitivity (rig pa) with the ultimate stratum of ontological reality (dharmakāya) and the overcomming of obstacles to realizing it., Text acquired in Tibet by HRH Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark (1908-1980)., Philosophy text recoved by gter ston rGod kyi Ldem 'phru can og Catalogue of Tibetan manuscripts and xylographs by Hartmut Buescher and Tarab Tulku. Copenhagen: Curzon – Det Kongelige Bibliotek, 2000. Vol. 1. p. 116
Treatise on elucidating the process of errancy into saṃsāric involvement and its revesal, Text acquired in Tibet by HRH Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark (1908-1980)., Philosophy text recovered by the ger ston rGod kyi ldem 'phru can og Catalogue of Tibetan manuscripts and xylographs by Hartmut Buescher and Tarab Tulku. Copenhagen: Curzon – Det Kongelige Bibliotek, 2000. Vol. 1. p. 306
Fundamental Tantra on the luminous self-originated wrathful aspect of the Buddha-nature., Text acquired in Tibet by HRH Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark (1908-1980)., Philosophy (apocryphal text) og Catalogue of Tibetan manuscripts and xylographs by Hartmut Buescher and Tarab Tulku. Copenhagen: Curzon – Det Kongelige Bibliotek, 2000. Vol. 1. p. 112
Text areas in red frames; red and silver circles indicating imaginary string holes., Diamond sutra, dbu can script, In gold and silver og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, vol. 6,1 [p. 10]
"The Law repudiating the Demons" written in Avesta in red ink with Pahlavi comments and farsi translation in black ink., Only chapter 1 and part of chapter 2., Purchased by Rasmus Rask in Bombay in 1820., Law code to avoid actions of demons og Codices Orientales Bibliothecæ Regiæ Hafniensis, pars prior: Codices indicos continens. Hafniæ 1846, p. 111
Elaboration of the philosophical premises of the oral tradition of the very secret and highest rDogs-chen decending from Vairocana., Text acquired in Tibet by HRH Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark (1908-1980), Philosophy og Catalogue of Tibetan manuscripts and xylographs by Hartmut Buescher and Tarab Tulku. Copenhagen: Curzon – Det Kongelige Bibliotek, 2000. Vol. 1. P. 298
Philosophical discourse elaborating the notions of gZˊi, Lam and 'Bas bu in accordance with the oral tradition of very secret, highest rDzogs pa chen po, Text acquired in Tibet by HRH Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark (1908-1980), Philosophy og Catalogue of Tibetan manuscripts and xylographs by Hartmut Buescher and Tarab Tulku. Copenhagen: Curzon – Det Kongelige Bibliotek, 2000. Vol. 1. p. 305
Binding shows European influences., Lamaistic prayers and didactic writings og Described in: Hessig, Walther: Catalogue of Mongol books, manuscripts and xylographs [COMDC 3], Copenhagen: The Royal Library 1971, p. 59f.
The contiunation of tale no. 13 og Described in: Catalogue of Mongol books, manuscripts and xylographs by Walther Heissig. Copenhagen: The Royal Library 1971, pp. 33-37
The manuscript is complete. It has been digitized according to the order of the leaves, as kept in the stacks, but the leaves may not be in correct order., Predictions and prescriptions for circumstances and actions of all kinds are given, based both upon astrological and other data og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, Vol. 3 [pp. 171-175]
Paper very browned and apparently burned at edges. Front cover munch reduced in size. Text perhaps incomplete. Fol. 35 missing. Undated, but an old MS., Twelve month calender with illustrations. Giving first general information about the place of the month in different calendars and then information regarding each day. og Described in detail in: Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Danish Collections, Vol. 3 [pp. 185-187]
The shelf marks Cod. Iran. 15 and K15 are used alternatly., Folio "211" is missing in the foliation. Empty flyleafs are excluded from the digital facsimile., Please note that parts of the codex are bound, foliated and hence digitised upside down. Use the buttons of the viewer to turn them as desired., Fragment from the Yasna with Neryosangh's Sanskrit translation; 39 fols. Afringan Dahman with Sanskrit translation (incomplete); 8 fols. Patit Peshmano and Khurshed, Mah, Atash Nyaishes with Sanskrit translation; 45 fols. Namaskaras and Nirangs, Avesta fragments among them; 85 fols. Tir and Mihir Yashts; 93 fols. og Westergaard, N. L. & Mehren, Codices Orientales Bibliothecæ Regiæ Havniensis ... ; Pars 1: Codices indicos, p. 113
Drawings of physical positions of meditation. Some in colours., Acquired by Jesper Trier in Nepal, 1971, Illustrations of meditation exercises og Catalogue of Tibetan manuscripts and xylographs by Hartmut Buescher and Tarab Tulku. Copenhagen: Curzon - Det Kongelige Bibliotek, 2000. Vol. 1, p. 237
Treatise on elaborating the nature of the psyche (sems) in terms of creativity and onthological differences., Text acquired in Tibet by HRH Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark (1908-1980)., Philosophy text recovered by gter rGod kyi ldem 'phru can og Catalogue of Tibetan manuscripts and xylographs by Hartmut Buescher and Tarab Tulku. Copenhagen: Curzon – Det Kongelige Bibliotek, 2000. Vol. 1. p. 306
A concise description of the essentials features of three rDzogs-chen empowernments related to the experience of pristine cognitivity, Text acquired in Tibet by HRH Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark (1908-1980), Ritual text recovered by the ger ston rGod kyi ldem 'phru can og Catalogue of Tibetan manuscripts and xylographs by Hartmut Buescher and Tarab Tulku. Copenhagen: Curzon – Det Kongelige Bibliotek, 2000. Vol. 2. p. 655