Fols. 162ff contains a supercommentary on the preceeding work, by the same author. The letters are one from S. L. Israelsson to David Simonsen (1899-11-16), about the work, and one from the author to David Simonsen (May 1900)., Commentaries on Song of Songs, Hebrew square and cursive script, Attached letters written in Danish and Hebrew, and Allony & Kupfer 1964, # 125
Names mentioned: Ya'aqov ben Simḥa Segal (יעקב בן שמחה סגל), Rivka bat Yitsḥaq(ריבכא בת יצחק), Peska (פכסכא), T. Simonsen, D. Simonsen, J. M. Levin, Jac. Simonsen. With stamp (relief) of M. H. Hartig, OKB [overkirkebetjent = gabbai/shammesh)., List of aliyot etc. in connection with an engangement/wedding (?), Hebrew cursive script, and partly in Hebrew square script and Danish cursive script
Note on the provenance etc. in David Simonsen's hand on the inner front cover., Danish translation of אלה דברי הברית (Altona, 1819), a collection of responsa, and Danish cursive script
Date on cover: 1803/1804 [תקס"ד], but the volume also contains older documents., Documents relating to the estate of Rafael Unna (רפאל אונה), with annotations by David Simonsen., German Hebrew cursive script, Yiddish cursive scripts; various Danish scripts, and Allony & Kupfer 1964, # 80
Incl. note (on paper) by David Simonsen, outlining the names and dates:, 1. Salomon Davidsen & Hanne Levy, 1848-03-27;, 2. Elvy Davidsen & Lea Augsburg, 1848-09-20;, 3. Ph. G. Philipsen & Thora Levy, 1848-11-14;, 4. Israel Heyman Levy & K. Davidsen, 1834-08-21, Ketubot (marriage contracts), Hebrew square script, Danish cursive, and Allony & Kupfer 1964, # 96-99