Entries under letter G continues under letter U; C under Ø; additional entires R and M at the end of the volume. Blank pages included., Records og letters and telegrams received and forwarded [?] - with addresses of senders and recipients., Cursive og Several hands
Note on the provenance etc. in David Simonsen's hand on the inner front cover., Danish translation of אלה דברי הברית (Altona, 1819), a collection of responsa og Danish cursive script
Note by David Simonsen in Danish on fol. 1: "Torn from a מחזור [mahzor] given by Line Salomon, given to Meyer Kanter in Horsens Prison March 1889". The two fols., of which only the inscribed front pages has been digitized, is attached to one another by a piece of adhesive at the bottom edges., List of children born to a family in Odense [?], Denmark og Hebrew cursive script
Groom: Yitsḥaq ben Yehuda (יצחק בן יהודא), Bride: Fesil bat Yisaskhar (פעסיל בת יששכר), Ketubah (marriage contract), Hebrew square script og Signatures in Hebrew cursive script
Groom: Menaḥem ben Gershon (מנחם בן גרשון), Bride: Deikha [?] bat Reuven (דייבא בן ראובן), Ketubah (marriage contract), Hebrew square script og Signatures in cursive Hebrew script
Groom: Ḥayim ben Yisrael (חיים בן ישראל), Bride: Tsipor bat Reuven (צפור בת ראובן), Ketubah (marriage contract), Hebrew square script og Signtures in Hebrew cursive script
Groom: Yitsḥaq ben Aharon (יצחק בן אהרן), Bride: Tsipor bat Yosef Yuzpa (ציפור בת יוסף יוזפא), Ketubah (marriage contract), Hebrew square script og Signatures in Hebrew cursive script